Data Collection Transformed

Premier Data Processing, ECA and AI

We leverage best-of-breed software for quick turnarounds to help you better understand your data and conduct smarter, more efficient reviews.

Law firms and corporate legal departments are in the information business.

Data volumes and sources continue to multiply exponentially.

We utilize Reveal and Law for data processing:

  • De-duplication
  • Metadata and full text extraction
  • Image generation
  • MD5 hash identification
  • File inventory

Gain insights before collection, drive down eDiscovery costs and risks using Reveal Live EDA. Analyze, search and review data in place before collection to reduce data volumes, risk, time, and cost.

Uncover crucial documents and communications early to support your proportionality and strategic arguments.

Brainspace is a powerful and practical artificial intelligence solution that enables you to make smarter, faster, and more informed data decisions, dramatically increasing the speed and efficiency by which you analyze data across different use cases. Whether you’re performing an internal investigation or mining your organization’s data for actionable intelligence, Brainspace can improve your team’s efficiency by as much as 90%.

Partners of Premier Legal Technologies

Premier Legal Technologies helps you transform your eDiscovery and data analysis capabilities with a predictable cost structure while preserving the client relationship you establish during representation. All data stays in its native format for instant online review. Your data is collected and preserved quickly and securely, plus we protect the privacy of that information 24/7/365.

Please contact us to learn more. We stand ready to help.

Phone: 833-927-4844